Explore our rich North Carolina History
Goodnight Family circa 1950
pictured above from left to right: Neil, Essie, Olan, Mary Goodnight, Eunice, JC, Joe, and Howard
In the 1930’s the Goodnights were buying produce in Watauga County and selling it down the mountain. Originally they worked out of the family basement located in Perkinsville. After WWII all the brothers, excluding JC, moved off the mountain to start other divisions of Goodnight Brothers
PYA & Goodnight Brothers
In 1961 The Goodnight Brothers built a new state of the art warehouse on Wilkerson Boulevard in Charlotte. Howard, Joe, Neil and Olan all worked from the new Charlotte based warehouse. JC remained in Boone running the produce and county ham operation. To keep up with the growing business and to work year round, JC opened a new facility in 1967. By this time, Goodnight Brothers in Charlotte had merged with Pearce Young and Angel (PYA)
Goodnight Brothers Now
pictured above from left to right: Jim Goodnight, Bill Goodnight
In 1970, Jim Goodnight, JC’s son, was hired to run the country ham operation. In 1985 Jim hired his first cousin Bill Goodnight, Neil’s son, to help with sales. Together they took the business to new heights, expanding into a new facility in 1999, and eventually operating from 3 locations in Western North Carolina